Now this was a fantastic movie. I usually like to keep a certain level of ambiguity about my enjoyment of a film, because most often I enjoy certain parts of a movie while not enjoying other aspects. Perhaps the film is technically outstanding but fails to strike an emotional chord with the audience; or maybe the film is groundbreaking in theory or on paper but technical inadequacies don't properly communicate the director's intentions. Most films, I find, fall somewhere in between these two extremes, but occasionally there comes along a movie that strikes a perfect balance.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Review: District 9
Now this was a fantastic movie. I usually like to keep a certain level of ambiguity about my enjoyment of a film, because most often I enjoy certain parts of a movie while not enjoying other aspects. Perhaps the film is technically outstanding but fails to strike an emotional chord with the audience; or maybe the film is groundbreaking in theory or on paper but technical inadequacies don't properly communicate the director's intentions. Most films, I find, fall somewhere in between these two extremes, but occasionally there comes along a movie that strikes a perfect balance.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Review: Moon
I am always excited when I see a film about which I haven't even the slightest clue. I love the anticipation, the not-knowing that comes along with an original film (assuming there is such a thing as an original film anymore). So far this summer, I have seen one movie that was not a sequel, reboot or re-imagining of an already established franchise (actually two, counting Pixar's delightful "Up,"). I don't mean to suggest that I'm sick of big, loud action/effects heavy sequels/reboots/re-imaginings, not at all. I just mean that I tend to feel a little more excited about original material, if for no reason other than the fact that original films are unfamiliar territory. It's not uncommon to basically anticipate every plot twist and every new character for the big budget action sequels of summer (thanks to all the hype they accumulate), but fresh original films are unknown, which is always fun for the viewer.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Review: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Greetings fellow cinema fans! I apologize for the almost 2 month gap in reviews, but in my defense I have had an incredibly busy 2 months. But of course, I know you didn't navigate the treacherous waters of the internet towards my blog-beacon of brilliance to read my excuses so I'll move on. Summer has officially descended upon us and with it a new wave of big-budget effects film releases. Directed by f--- the-world-I'm-gonna-do-things-my-way director Michael Bay, the first Transformers film was certainly more about style than substance and this bigger and better sequel continues in the same vein. I've always believed that strong acting, storytelling and pacing are essential for any film, but especially for a film so heavily reliant on visual effects. Computer generated effects have a tendency to instantly disconnect audiences from a movie, which makes the acting, story and pacing all the more important to help keep the viewer grounded. Michael Bay it seems does not agree with these principles and prefers to keep his audiences glues to the screen by sheer force of overwhelming and incomprehensible action and intensity. I find myself wondering exactly why Bay was chosen to helm this franchise, being a director who has a fondness for crude, shallow humor and inability to establish strong memorable characters. Despite all the problems I have with Bay and his style of storytelling, I walked away from Transformers 2 happier with the end result than I did after the first film.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Star Trek Review
Hoo boy do I love this movie. And I was totally ready to hate it too. I grew up on Star Trek: The Next Generation and developed a huge appreciation for the series' attention to detail, believability and subtle character development. Therefore, I have been skeptical but hopeful over the past few years following the development and production of this reboot. But as a huge fan of Star Trek, I have certain standards I expect any entry of the series to meet and this film was setting itself it up to be a disappointment for me. Having a self proclaimed "casual" Star Trek fan direct the new Star Trek movie = strike 1. Intentionally designing the movie to cater to a general audience = strike 2. So, for me, the movie was on thin ice and any one problem could have been the proverbial strike 3. But, instead of returning to the bench hanging its head in shame, JJ Abrams' Star Trek launches that 0 - 2 pitch out of the ballpark and this Trek fan couldn't be happier about it.
Friday, May 8, 2009
The Matrix Review
Ok, here it is: my personal take on what has become a rather controversial series in discussions among myself and friends. Opinions vary greatly about the merits of these movies, ranging from the intensely loyal fan base who fiercely defends the trilogy as a whole against any an all who would dare speak any ill of its philosophical and pseudo-spiritual magnificence to other viewers at the other end of the spectrum who (generally) see a falloff of quality in films 2 and 3. I tend to count myself in the second category of Matrix fans, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Pitch Black Review
Sunday, May 3, 2009
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Review
My word...where to begin? Well for starters, I'll say that I was a big fan of X-Men back in the day. The first film pretty much established the modern superhero film genre and the second film still stands among the top 5 superhero films of all time in my opinion. Then Bryan Singer left the franchise for Superman, and the series went to pot. X-Men: The Last Stand barely achieves mediocrity, but only because of what was already established by Singer and Co. in X2. The first two films were handled gracefully and intelligently. The third film and subsequently, this prequel film are packed with cliches, poorly directed action and an emphasis on quantity over quality.
Monday, April 6, 2009
The Fountain Review
This is my second viewing of Darren Aronofsky’s The Fountain. It’s been two years, perhaps more, since I saw it last, which, oddly enough, I think was good for me. This is another kind of movie that has to be seen multiple times and needs time to be digested. The film literally operates on multiple levels of time and space and though there are connections threaded between these levels (some obvious and others not so much), the viewer is expected to participate in the interpretation of these connections. The film demands attention from the audience and rewards careful consideration with multiple open-ended interpretations. The Fountain repays the viewer proportionally to the effort invested in it, which is fascinating in my opinion.
The Fountain essentially tells three very similar stories in three different time and space settings. The Conquistador storyline is set in 16th century Spain and Latin America. Queen Isabel (whose life is in jeopardy at the hands of the Inquisition) sends Tomas the conquistador on a quest to find and claim the Tree of Life for his motherland thereby saving Spain. The Scientist storyline is set in modern times and tells the tale of Tom and Izzy. Tom is a frustrated researcher on the verge of discovering a cure for cancer, specifically the kind of cancer his wife, Izzy, suffers from. The Astronaut storyline is set in outer space and tells the story of the titular character’s journey across the universe into a dying star. The Astronaut is traveling in an ecosphere, encapsulated along with an enormous dying tree with which the astronaut speaks as though it were an intimate lover.
Without getting into specifics it is difficult to discuss what works and doesn’t work about the film. I’m convinced after reading about it and seeing it again that nothing was put in here without careful consideration and planning. There are things about it that I don’t understand, but I don’t think of it as poor filmmaking. I think of it as something requiring thought and discussion. This is exactly the kind of film to see with friends and debate interpretations because different people will view the movie in different ways and no one deduction is necessarily 100% correct. I think it should be mentioned that Hugh Jackman’s performance is among the best I have seen. The frustration, passion and emotional anguish his character experiences is entirely convincing and truly an accomplishment. Having portrayed only Wolverine, Van Helsing and Leopold (from Kate and Leopold) up to the point when this movie was made, I feel this performance is truly where Jackman established his abilities as a dramatic actor.
Visually, the film is striking in several ways. The imagery, particularly from the Astronaut storyline is iconic. The film’s lighting is done intelligently, frequently portraying Rachel Weisz’s characters awash in light while keeping Hugh Jackman’s characters hidden in the shadows until late in the film, when it becomes appropriate to light him more brightly. Another subtle visual cue Aronofsky gives us is the use of simple shapes in specific time periods. The 16th century storyline makes use of triangular shapes; the present day story primarily utilizes rectangular shapes and the future storyline focuses on circular shapes. Whether this has any significance beyond simply differentiating the time periods is open to interpretation, but I appreciate this kind of effort on the filmmakers’ part.
The Fountain has become one of my favorite films of all time. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of it the first time I saw it, but after the second viewing I am almost entirely convinced it is a masterpiece. There are bits that I need to ponder further and I’m sure that the conclusions I draw from it are at least somewhat unique to me, but I think that is the beauty of this film. I love hearing how other people see it differently and how they reached those conclusions. I love a film that is as open to as many different possibilities as this is, but I have to admit that it is not a film accessible to everyone. Many people won’t enjoy this movie because its not easy to interpret, but I love it when a movie sticks with me after the credits roll. The Fountain is one such movie.
The Fountain
Directed by Darren Aronofsky
Written by Darren Aronofsky, Ari Handel
Starring Hugh Jackman, Rachel Weisz, Ellen Burstyn
Cinematography by Matthew Libatique
Rated PG-13 for some intense sequences of violent action, some sensuality and language
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Sunshine Review
I’ve been meaning to watch Sunshine for quite a while, only recently purchasing a copy of the film when the price dropped to $6 at Best Buy. I’ve heard many great things about it, and some not-so-great things about it.
Coming from Danny Boyle, UK director and most recent recipient of the Best Picture Academy Award (for Slumdog Millionaire), Sunshine is set about 50 years in the future from now when the Sun is in danger of extinguishing itself completely. Mankind has already sent one expedition to re-ignite the Sun, the Icarus I, but communications are cut off as the team reaches the Sun and its status is unknown. Icarus I is given up for lost and seven years later the Icarus II is sent to finish the mission. The film picks up as the Icarus II enters what they call the “Dead Zone,” – an area of space around the Sun where communication with earth becomes impossible. The film begins as the team sets about sending their final messages home.
One of the things I liked most about Sunshine was the logical progression of the story. One event leads to the next in a thoughtful, sensible fashion and the story unfolds in an entirely believable way. I always appreciate a film that doesn’t give their audience the proverbial nudge and wink and then say, “I know this doesn’t make sense, but just accept it because you know it’s fictional anyway.” Every turn of the story has motivation behind it and is brought about in a way that makes sense within the context of the movie. The only plot point that is not explained is how/why the Sun’s light is being extinguished so many millions of years before scientists predict it will. The fact that the Sun is fading is not a big deal, but the fact that it is fading and they set the film 50 years into the future kind of begs an explanation. But every other element, to my knowledge, is explained logically even if it’s not in a way that is 100% accurate to real science.
The story itself is a rather bleak affair, which isn’t my favorite kind of movie to watch but I appreciate the cast and crew’s dedication to effectively creating and sustaining that kind of atmosphere. The film evokes pseudo-spiritual imagery – daunting, awe-inspiring and majestic while at the same time remarkably dangerous and hopeless. There seems to be a constant state of equal-but-opposite contrasting relationships throughout the film. The science team is earth’s last hope and represents the only chance earth has for a future, but they themselves have no hope of surviving and returning home. The Sun itself is continually a reminder that it is equally a bringer of life and death, light and darkness, understanding and insanity.
There wasn’t much about the film that I didn’t like, and I find it hard to pinpoint any one thing that stood out as poor in quality. It is a film that should be seen several times before drawing final conclusions, but off the top of my head there are a couple things I wasn’t a fan of. The decision to turn the movie into a pseudo-slasher/horror film at the end was a little weak and unnecessary given the team’s already doomed fate. Some of the camera and post-production work were a little confusing, if that makes sense. One of the characters introduced late in the story is never clearly seen on screen; instead we see quick, blurry passes over his face and body from camera angles that often skew the perspective beyond recognition at all. It’s especially unnecessary, I thought, because we know who the character is and I saw no reason to visually hide his features (unless the prosthetics were crappy and they were just hiding the sloppy make-up).
Overall, Sunshine is a thought-provoking, multi-dimensional film that should inspire conversation among those patient enough to give it a chance. A seamless experience, Sunshine earns a spot among the better films in sci-fi cinema. It’s not perfect, but no film is and I recommend it to anyone looking for a rich, satisfying visual, psychological and philosophical take on science fiction.
Directed by Danny Boyle
Produced by Andrew Macdonald
Written by Alex Garland
Starring Cillian Murphy, Rose Byrne, Cliff Curtis, Chris Evans, Michelle Yeoh
Music by John Murphy, Underworld (a band, apparently)
Rated R for violent content and language
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Twilight Review
I am completely unfamiliar with the Twilight universe, for starters, but it seems intriguing to me. I have never read the book, but I’ll start with what I do know going into this first viewing. I know that Edward Cullen is a vampire living with his family clan in (or near) Forks, Washington. I know that Bella has moved to Forks after her mother and her new stepfather basically tell her they want to live without her for a while. I’ll try to overlook the fact that a vampire who is more than 80 years old is still in high school (he is clearly not an idiot, so we must assume he just enjoys the high school experience, or is entirely devoted to keeping up his appearances)
I’m not really sure what to make of the film, at least at this point (about an hour in). It certainly places its focus squarely on relationships and emotions in place of action and excitement. Mystery, intrigue and awkward semi-romantic tension are intended to drive the movie forward but it only achieves that goal in spurts and sputters. It seems as though this is a movie that is defined by the chemistry between its two main characters, which for the first half of the movie only works in some places. Edward is at times drawn to Bella, and at other times repelled by her which makes sense once Edward and Bella level with each other, but is quite frustrating leading up to that point. The first meeting is especially discomforting, considering that Edward unashamedly glares at Bella like he’s utterly disgusted and even furious with the fact that she sits next to him in class. I understand how it is explained later that he is intensely attracted to her and intrigued because he can’t read her mind, but at this point in the story we have absolutely no clue that vampires or werewolves have anything to do with the story. So Edward’s glaring and glowering just makes him look like a freak. The more I think about it, the more I think the error lies with the source material instead of the performances, even though the performances delivered by Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are hit and miss, sometimes delivering lines effectively and sometimes falling flat.
All this awkwardness and tension comes to a head when Bella begins to put the pieces together about what Edward is. Once she confronts him with the knowledge that she knows what he is and he comes clean about the burden he bears, it almost feels as though a burden is lifted from the shoulders of the film. Bella and Edward seem much more comfortable around one another once the air clears and emotions are laid out to each other. Particularly this is the case with Edward. He becomes a much more likeable character once the burden of his secret is out in the open and Bella accepts (or challenges, rather) him. When Edward tells her that she shouldn’t trust him, that he isn’t sure he can control his desire for her blood, she tells him she trusts him and she knows he won’t hurt her, which is at the same time incredibly bold but potentially incredibly foolish. Only time will tell which is true.
I think the film works best when the attention is set squarely on the relationship shared by the two main characters. There is a story going on behind their blossoming romance, but it doesn’t really take a front seat until the baseball game. It seems like the focus of the film is on the romance, which is unfortunate because the background story is rushed through and filled out with underdeveloped characters. The “villain” of the film is introduced more than half way into the movie, which means we hardly know anything about him, his motivations or his goals. He is presented simply as a “tracker vampire” who only lives for the hunt. He gets a whiff of Bella’s scent at the baseball game which apparently means he will hunt her until he kills her. But all this only serves as a vehicle to move Bella and Edward’s relationship forward, which just sucks because I think the whole vampire universe here could be fleshed out a lot more. It would go a long way towards making the movie more unified, because it feels unbalanced with so much focus directed towards the romantic plot and so little placed on everything else.
Overall, the impression I walked away from the movie with was one of squandered potential. It felt very much like the book was used as the script and the film feels chained down as a result. Books don’t naturally translate to film; they need to be adapted properly and I think Twilight would have benefited from that process. But it is not a bad movie; in fact, I found the romantic aspect of the story very compelling. Twilight does several things very well, but other things it does a little haphazardly.
Directed by Catherine Hardwicke
Written by Melissa Rosenberg; novel by Stephanie Meyer
Starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson
Rated PG-13 for some violence and a scene of sensuality
Monday, March 16, 2009
101 Dalmatians Review
Having viewed several Oscar-winners that I deem rather underwhelming, I have decided to quite suddenly and unexpectedly cut short the Best Picture Tour and embark upon a Classic Disney Animation Tour. 101 Dalmatians was the first one I picked up, having chosen it over The Jungle Book and Peter Pan. I was in a British mood that day, I suppose. One thing I always enjoy about animation is the attention to detail that is required throughout. Animation is not cheap, so each and every scene must be planned out ahead of time. Much care and focus is put into what each frame needs to look like and how exactly it should play out, and I appreciate that level of attention to detail. But anyways, on with the review.
101 Dalmatians was first released in 1961, and was a first on many levels for the Disney animation crew. It was the first picture released in the sixties, the first picture released after the huge layoff, thanks to Sleeping Beauty’s flop at the box office, the first Disney animation to feature only one main song, and the first Disney animation set in modern times. It marked a change in direction for Disney animations, which up until this point, had largely focused on fantasy settings, romantic characters and magical elements. 101 Dalmatians was a huge departure from these Disney standards, both technologically and thematically, and apparently Mr. Disney himself was not happy about these changes. But regardless, the film was a huge success for Disney and the victory came right when they needed it, especially after the expensive disappointment in Sleeping Beauty.
Seeing 101 Dalmatians, for me, is almost like taking a vacation back to childhood. In many ways it is literally that very thing, but even beyond the childhood memories I have of the film, there is an intrinsic innocence, purity and simplicity to many Disney animations including this one. It’s not just a quality that makes it enjoyable for kids, but it’s also a quality that seems to sort of beckon the child out in us grown ups too. One of the things I believe lends the film a feel of timelessness is that the focus is not on the story but on the storytelling. The delivery of the story is what makes it compelling, not necessarily the story itself (even though the story is pretty decent). The essential character that drives the movie on is found in Cruella De Vil. Her flamboyant attitude and ruthless demeanor are what propel Pongo and Perdita to endlessly search for their lost puppies and what keeps the audience interested in the puppies’ fate. She is simultaneously repulsive and attractive, which is what makes her so amusing and interesting, in my opinion.
The animation is incredibly amazing, especially when the viewer understands how much thought and effort goes into each and every frame of animation. Scenes that stick out in particular are the one where Roger flips his pipe during the birthing scene, one where Roly slides down Pongo’s back (the folding skin is amazing) and anytime Cruella’s car makes an appearance. The lead animators had been working at Disney studios for 30 plus years by the time this film was in development and their experience is evident. Emotions ring undeniably clear on each character’s face; the motion is smooth and organic; the characters are endearing and timeless. Another thing I appreciated was the change in artistic style for Disney’s animation. 101 Dalmatians’ modern art style (particularly in the backgrounds) was a radical departure for Disney movies and a risk that paid off in spades. It must have been fresh at the time, and even today it looks edgy and funky with a little splash of European flair.
Overall, 101 Dalmatians proved to be a thoroughly enjoyable experience on several different levels. It’s a classic example of quality over quantity (ironic in a film titled “101 Dalmatians isn’t it?) and a film with heart instead of frills. Quite outstanding, even 48 years after release.
101 Dalmatians
Directed by Clyde Geronimi, Hamilton Luske, Wolfgang Reitherman
Produced by Walt Disney
Written by Bill Peet (novel by Dodi Smith)
Featuring voice talents of Rod Taylor, Cate Bauer, Betty Lou Gerson, Ben Wright, Lisa Davis, Martha Wentworth
Friday, February 27, 2009
Best Picture? Really?
Perhaps we can answer that question by looking at several of the winners. No Country for Old Men. Crash. Million Dollar Baby. A Beautiful Mind. American Beauty. The English Patient. Forrest Gump. Schindler’s List. What do these movies have in common? I would propose that a common element among these films is a hard to define sense of “normal-ness.” The majority of the Best Picture winners are movies that feature characters that are very firmly planted in reality. Some of these characters might find themselves in unique circumstances, but they react in ways that normal people would be expected to react. In fact, many of the winners at the Oscars (not just Best Picture winners) are films either based on non-fictional stories or films based on obscure novels. Several of the Best Actor/Actress winners in recent years have been for portrayals of real people instead of fictional characters.
It seems to me that the members of the Academy favor films that are, quite simply, plain and ordinary. They tend to favor (unfairly, I might add) films with stories about real people going through real struggles. It’s almost as if the Academy feels the best sorts of movies are the movies that most realistically portray what your average everyday person goes through in his or her life. Most people in the world make tough decisions about their future. Most people in the world have elements from their past that they regret or would change if they could. Most people fall in love and deal with the complications of that. The Academy, it seems, is more appreciative of films that mimic reality instead of films that suspend reality. Which, in my opinion is stupid.
I have always believed, and continue still to believe, that films are most enjoyable when you are completely immersed in the fictional universe of that particular film. I’ve always believed that the best kind of movie is the one that suspends your sense of reality and gets you, the viewer, to accept something that you know is not really happening. A film that closely mimics the reality of life is one that is usually less enjoyable for me, because I live life every day. I deal with real people, with real emotions, with real difficult decisions on my own and I don’t want to pay money to watch characters on a screen deal with the same things. When I go to the movies, I want to be entertained. I want to see and experience things that are unique and unusual, to see extraordinary characters, to experience something new and exciting.
I think it is a downright shame and embarrassment to the film industry to go back over the years and see the exclusions in the category of Best Picture. The Disney animation renaissance of the late 80’s and early to mid 90’s passed by without a single winner in the category. Driving Miss Daisy, Dances with Wolves, Silence of the Lambs, and Unforgiven all took home Best Picture awards in this time period without so much as a nod to the defining animation films put out by Disney at the time. No offense is meant towards the films mentioned, but surely none of them has had nearly the same impact that Disney’s work has had nor does the general public look back so fondly on them as they do with the Disney's animations from the time. This period inspired an entire generation of artists and animators as well as establishing revolutionary new advances in computer animation technology. I also think it shameful that none of the Star Wars movies never won a Best Picture award, and only the original was even nominated. The Star Wars trilogy (original) is undoubtedly one of the most celebrated series of films in history and I believe it is worth a Best Picture award in consideration of the impact it has had on the world and an entire generation of youth. The Empire Strikes Back was the highest grossing film of 1980 and cemented Star Wars’ place among the finest science fiction stories, but when the Best Picture nominations were revealed it was nowhere in sight. In fact, the film pulling down the Best Picture award that year was a film titled Ordinary People, ironically enough. How appropriate.
Another thing I have suspicions about is in the area of budget. I am quite aware that a film’s financial success has no effect whatsoever on its chances for nomination, but it seems (especially in recent years) that films with a low budget stand a greater chance of scoring a nomination than those with a higher budget. Even if the higher budgeted film ends up being of a higher quality, the lower budget film seemingly has a higher probability of getting the honors. It’s almost like a decent film that was produced on a budget of $5 million is more deserving of recognition than an excellent film produced on a budget of $100 million. Perhaps the powers that be prefer an underdog scenario, or feel that a higher budget is an unfair advantage, but I think that films should be considered for the award regardless of the budget.
I suppose my point to all of this, is to say that I suppose the Academy has the right to nominate and award Best Picture to any film it wants. The award belongs to the Academy and it can do whatever it wants in that regard. For me however, the award will henceforth be near meaningless. I have determined that the Academy places value on the same things that I associate with mediocre cinema and therefore the Best Picture award loses much of its significance. The End.
I would like to thank Andrew Clark and Chris Monthie for influencing the content of this post.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Fellowship of the Ring Review
Where to begin with such a set of movies as the Lord of the Rings? I am at something of a loss for words in my attempt to review this first installment, the Fellowship of the Ring. I suppose rather than explaining the story or detailing the technical elements of the film I will try to explain how this film resonates within my mind and heart.
The film makes such a strong connection with me on a personal level in so many ways that I find it difficult to describe them all. The friendship that the main four hobbits share is not at all unlike the friendships that I share with my friends. We don’t bother ourselves with many female distractions; we spent some of the most significant years of our lives living and adventuring together; and we are unquestionably devoted to one another. I know that I will move on, my friends will move on, time and distance will separate us, but the bonds that we forged in the short time we were together will never be broken. The connection established by the four main hobbits is, for me, a reminder of what my life was like during the best of times with my closest friends. Regardless of whatever is happening in the story, these four hobbits are all together through everything. These hobbits share a level of camaraderie that nearly every human being has experienced before or wants to experience at some point. The viewer is drawn to them like a magnet because everyone either has or wants friendships as close as these hobbits. The emotional response lifted from the viewer is quite a powerful experience, whether the emotion is appreciation for the friendships established or the longing desire to reach such a level of devotion.
Specifically, the relationship Sam and Frodo share is one that, for me, is extraordinarily powerful. To have a friend who is devoted to you wholeheartedly, with no regard for his own wellbeing is a concept that nearly brings me to tears. I am not one to cry at movies, or even in general. Not because I consider crying a sign of weakness or that I think myself too “manly” to cry…I just don’t really cry very often. But this movie manages to pull tears from these eyes nearly every time I see it. If my emotional response to the four hobbits’ friendship is one of appreciation for the friendships in my own life, my emotional response to Sam and Frodo’s friendship is one of yearning. Granted, I will probably never be put into a situation like Frodo, where it is required that a friend give of himself unreservedly to my safety and wellbeing but my desire to have a friend willing to go to such astronomical lengths is brought to the surface by the honesty, the raw emotional vulnerability portrayed in Sam and Frodo’s friendship. And perhaps even more than wanting to be the recipient of such attention, this film awakens the desire for me to be the kind of friend that Sam is to Frodo. After all, the real hero of the film eventually turns out to be Sam, not Frodo. Frodo gives in to the pressure eventually; he gives it his best, but at the point where he can go no further it is Sam who carries Frodo on his back the rest of the way. The reason this film resonates so deeply in me is because of the portrayal of this friendship.
On a more practical level, there are few (if any) elements of this movie that I have any sort of negative view on. This latest viewing drew my attention to Sean Bean’s performance as Boromir, the hero from Gondor. Sean Bean manages to bring a sense of well intentioned but misguided passion for his character’s pursuing the Ring. Where, in earlier viewings, I saw him mainly as a selfish character that pursues the Ring in order to make himself more in the eyes of his people and his father, this latest viewing I found myself seeing him more as a protector who has been driven to desperation. His people stand on the brink of destruction (as they are the nearest geographically to Mordor) and their hope is almost gone. It crossed my mind, what if my family, my mother and father, my brother, were in mortal peril? Would I throw away what seems to be the best chance to ensure their survival? I see now that Boromir is doing what he believes he must do to fulfill his duties as heir to his father’s responsibilities. The pressure lowered on his shoulders to find and bring back salvation to the battered, hopeless people of Gondor is what drove him to his desperate attempt to take the Ring from Frodo.
One particular facet of the DVD that I wish to draw attention to is the special features. I don’t believe there has ever been, nor likely will be again, such an in-depth glimpse of how a movie is put together. I appreciate so much, as both a fan of movies and a student of film, the level of detail that is outlined so clearly for us in these DVDs. Every step, from conceptual art to post-production is explained to us in such a way that the viewer almost feels like it is experienced first-hand. Filming techniques are explained, story and dialogue are detailed, tours of the prop workshops are conducted, sound production is covered and digital effects are explained, just to name a few. There are overall about 5 to 6 hours of special features contained in these discs, and every second is worth viewing (for those curious and those studying film).
I quite simply cannot say enough about this first film in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. The story is fantastic as are the effects, performances, new techniques, old techniques, but the real reason this film is of such a high caliber is the emotional resonance stirred up inside the viewer. It is a difficult concept to put into words, and perhaps even more to intentionally evoke from your audience, and therefore all the more reason to heap praise on Peter Jackson and his team from New Zealand. For me, I think I could perhaps imagine another film reaching the same emotional heights alongside the Fellowship of the Ring, but I daresay it won’t be topped. A masterpiece.
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Directed by Peter Jackson
Produced by Peter Jackson, Barrie M. Osborne, Tim Sanders, Fran Walsh
Written by: (Novel) J.R.R. Tolkien; (Screenplay) Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens, Peter Jackson
Starring Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Liv Tyler, Viggo Mortensen, Sean Astin, Cate Blanchett, John Rhys-Davies, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan, Orlando Bloom, Christopher Lee, Hugo Weaving, Sean Bean, Ian Holm, Andy Serkis
Rated PG-13 for epic battle sequences and some scary images
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Crash Review
I decided a couple of years ago to make it a goal of mine to view every single movie that has been awarded the “Best Picture” Academy Award. I have seen surprisingly few of them over the years and the way I see it, if a film wins the Best Picture award it’s probably for good reason. My first official stop on the Best Picture Tour is the 2005 winner “Crash.” I had no idea whatsoever about the film’s content, characters or story when I purchased a copy of it for $7 at Wal-Mart, which was very exciting for me. It’s become quite rare for me to watch a movie with absolutely no idea about what’s to come. After viewing Crash though, I may have to be more cautious about buying a movie with no previous knowledge of it.
It turns out Crash is about the most one-dimensional film I have seen in quite some time. Indeed, I find it hard to pinpoint any other film I have ever seen that hits one note, one issue, one controversy as wholeheartedly as Crash does. Crash is all about racism. There are several characters (none of whom I would consider a “main,” character) and all of them deal with racism in one way or another. I would go into details, but I don’t believe there is a point. This is a movie unlike any other I have encountered…it’s almost like a documentary or maybe even a new employee training video in that it is so one dimensional (providing little in the way of depth, immersion and a sense of escape). Crash zeroes in on the issue of race, and beats the horse long after the life has expired from it.
Don’t get me wrong, I do believe race is an incredibly important issue that needs to be discussed and argued. But for me, the silver screen is not the place it should be discussed. The movie theater is a place of entertainment, a place of laughing, crying, thrills and (ultimately, in my opinion) fun. When I purchase a ticket, I expect a film to lift me out of my daily routine and tell a story that suspends my sense of reality. This is one reason I love movies as much as I do. In my opinion, Crash accomplishes none of these things. Crash is a movie that seeks to chain its audience with a sense of guilt, a punch in the face if you will, over the fact that racism is still a problem in today’s society. I came away from my viewing of Crash feeling disgusted with the world and hopeless that harmony between races can be achieved.
In addition to the general feeling of despair, I was confused and frustrated with the characters. Many of the characters are both victims of racism and proponents of racism. A pair of young black men complain that they received poor service at a restaurant because they believe the waitress assumed black people don’t tip well. Of course, they didn’t tip her well destroying their argument altogether and justifying the waitress’s assumptions. The same pair complain that a white woman walking with her husband tensed up when they passed each other, presumably because the woman assumed that young black men like the two of them are thugs. Of course, then they rob the white couple and steal their car, again justifying the couple’s fear of the two black men. This inconsistency in Crash’s characters is, in my opinion, the primary reason the film fails. There are no goals presented for any characters to achieve, and therefore, a sense of progression is lacking in this film. There is precious little in the way of personal growth or understanding from anyone in the film.
The performances are there, believable and well delivered. The actors are fine, though none stand out to me as memorable. The technical elements of the film again, are fine but with no particular stand out moment. In my opinion, the film fails on a foundational level – it never makes a connection to the audience, never giving us characters we can relate to. Maybe I just don’t understand it. I certainly don’t understand how a film like this is awarded the industry’s highest honor. All the same I felt altogether detached from Crash’s world, and judging from the two-faced, self-absorbed racist pigs inhabiting it, maybe that’s a good thing.
Directed by Paul Haggis
Produced by Paul Haggis, Don Cheadle, Bob Yari, Cathy Schulman
Written by Paul Haggis and Bobby Moresco
Starring Brendan Fraser, Sandra Bullock, Ludacris, Larenz Tate, Don Cheadle, Jennifer Esposito, Ryan Phillipe, Matt Dillon, Keith David, Terrence Howard, Thandie Newton, Michael Pena, Shawn Toub and Ashlyn Sanchez
Rated R for language, sexual content, and some violence